Weekly podcast highlighting investing stories from the front lines hosted by Gary Ribe and Eric Furey
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Reorgs, Melting Ice Cubes and Dumb Luck
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
For this episode of In the Market Trenches, Gary and Eric talk about an investing experience that they won't soon forget. Tune in to hear how Gary and Eric were able navigate Reorganizations, Melting Ice Cubes and Dumb Luck.
Never let a good mistake go to waste and every investing experience contains a lesson.
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The information in this podcast is educational and general in nature and does not take into consideration the listener’s personal circumstances. Therefore, it is not intended to be a substitute for specific, individualized financial, legal, or tax advice. To determine which strategies or investments may be suitable for you, consult the appropriate qualified professional prior to making a final decision.